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Offshore Banking

Being first amongst the 9 fourth generation commercial banks of the country, Modhumoti Bank has started its offshore banking operation at the end of third quarter of 2015. The bank established its Off-shore banking Unit (OBU) with a view of catering the banking requirement of non-resident customers to increase foreign trade business at EPZs. Offshore banking acts as a unique solution for banks across the globe to carry out international banking business involving foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities taking the advantages of low or non-existent taxes/levies and higher return on investment.

Off-Shore Banking Services:

• OBU can finance the Export Processing Zones customers under category ‘A’ in foreign currency.

• OBU also discounts bills accepted by ADs in Bangladesh against import L/Cs opened on deferred / usance basis applying due diligence.

• Off-Shore Banking units are free to accept deposit from or to borrow from persons/institutions not resident in Bangladesh including Bangladeshi nationals working abroad.

• OBU is providing UPAS L/Cs discounting business solution to our local industrial clients.

Customers are welcomed to cater OBU services

Contact Details:

OffShore Banking Operations
Khandker Tower, Level-7, 94 Gulshan Avenue,
Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212
Mobile No.+88 01819434591