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Syndicated Finance

Syndicated Finance is one that is provided by a group of lenders and is structured, arranged, and administered by a Bank as Arranger and Agent Bank. The Syndication Finance Unit of Modhumoti Bank Limited provides customized financial solutions to the corporate clients as Term Loan and working capital, which creates values and contributes towards the growth of the country’s economy. We have dedicated Structured Finance team run by experienced human resources. As a 4th generation Scheduled Bank we have already started our journey in Syndication and Structured finance Market. We are part of Public Private Partnership (PPP) project such as First Dhaka Elevated

Expressway and some other environmental friendly projects.

  • The products & services offered by the Syndication Finance are generally as follows:
  • Term Loan, Bond, Preference Share ,Short Term Loan & Working Capital financing
  • Finance Corporate expansion BMRE (Balancing, Modernization, Rehabilitation and Expansion)
  • Refinance to existing clients’ for their financial requirements
  • PPP Finance
  • Bridge Finance
  • Investment in Commercial Paper
  • Agency Services
  • Advisory Services

Why Syndication?

  • To comply with Central Bank’s instructions towards providing large finance to corporate bodies through arrangement of syndication Finance in order to diversify the risks;
  • One Stop Service for Customer;
  • Flexibility in structure and pricing. Borrowers have a variety of options in shaping their syndicated loan, including multicurrency options, risk management techniques, and prepayment rights without penalty;
  • To share knowledge / expertise among the participating lenders;
  • Common follow up and monitoring ensures successful operations of the project which results in smooth repayment;
  • Through Syndication, a large amount of fund could be arranged which is needed for a project;
  • It provides innovative end to end solutions to its corporate clients, by ensuring quality services.